Frenchy’s sent us this shot of John Garcia’s ATF shot on location at his farm and also let us know that he’s got a bike check in the works. Wild.
Hoder has a bike check of his BTM over on Dig. Check it out if you wanna know how his Trans Blue frame came to be.
Hoder: Dig It.
Randy has himself a bike check over on Ride. Go on over there to take a gander at his RB V2 and find out how he’s accessorized his signature grips.
R.B. V2 B.C.
Louie ‘BAMBI’ Mire’s ATF
Justin Kosman did a cool feature on Hucker’s bike for ESPN.
Hucker ESPN Bike Check

Northwest/Goods shredder Natalie Noble’s ATF with Race XLT Stem and Coxie Directors Seat.
Natalie Noble’s Bike Check

Cam took a little vacation from his shop , And came down with Matt to enjoy the west coast. Riding his Signature Frame in the new Killjoy edit really does feel like he’s in heaven. Check it out !!
Cam Wood’s Bike Check

Matt and Cam were in Cali this past weekend, we got a chance to shot some photos of Matt’s current set up. Check it out !!
Matt Beringer’s Bike Check
FATHEAD is better than you and his bike is probably better than yours too. Check it out.
FATHEAD’s B.T.M. Bike Check
James Cox has a bike check on the 4Down site now. Check it out.
Coxie’s BTM
Chad Johnston’s signature Limited Edition White Intrikat Bike. Click on it and see if you can find some of his prototype parts that are in the works